
Sunday School

Sunday School’s purpose is to provide a Christian education for children (aged 3 to 18) and, at the same time, to make sure that the children enjoy coming to church and feel that they are a welcome and valued part of our community.

At Christmas, the members of the Sunday School take part in the Nativity Play. Throughout the year, there are also other moments at which Sunday School actively joins in the Service and contributes prayers, readings or reflections.

Sunday School takes place on Sunday mornings during the school year (a calendar is made available at the start of the school year). The children leave the service after the Children’s address and are split in 2 groups: the junior group (aged between 3-8), and the senior group: (aged 9 and above). Older teenagers in the group, whilst belonging to the Senior group, are given leadership roles where appropriate. Children under 3 are allowed to join in the junior group under parental supervision.

Many of the children attending Sunday School also join the junior Choir (with rehearsals immediately after the Service). This provides them with an additional opportunity to regularly contribute to the Service.

Read our Safeguarding Statement.